Curent manufacture line approximately 3 weeks long!

Insert for Century Trilogy


Supports Spice Road, Eastern Wonders and New World in one box with card sleeves.

Build to Order
Code: 907C
Brand: Kalkared
21,22 € 25,68 € incl. VAT
Category: Inserts for Board Games
Weight: 0.45 kg
? Filament Color: Gray Dark (GRYD)
? Netto Weight [g]: 360
? Box [mm]: 265 x 181 x 64
  • Compatible with Century: Spice Roads (2017), Eastern Wonders (2018) and new World (2019)

  • Supports card sleeves with 80 microns thickness (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.)
  • WARNING: Insert cannot hold all the resource cubes from all 3 games.
  • Insert is made of 6 pieces of trays and boxes
    • 1 x Box for resources
    • 1 x Box for player components, tokens and coins
    • 1 x Tray for New World tokens
    • 1 x Box for New World cards
    • 2 x Box for Spice Roads – careful, these boxes are bit bigger than the on efor New World cards


  • It is possible to store game vertically with this accesory as long as the lid is tight shut.

  • Material: PETG (is not affected by UV light or embrittlement in time and has higher stiffness unlike usual PLA). Printed with Standard color. If you have a special request and want to have your insert in a different color, contact us first please.

  • Most of our products are printed on order and manufacture time is taking around 2 weeks. We are keeping in stock only the most buyed items, more in ABOUT US.

  • Colors of parts can be very often different than in reality for prototype reasons but there sill applies the rules about Standard colors.

  • Original components of the game and card sleeves in photos are only for purpose of presentation and showcase of distribution and they are not part of delivery.

  • This is not an officially licenced product.

  • Declaration of Comformity, Manual and Layout of components can be found on THIS page.
  • Goods are Built to Order and cannot be returned within the statutory 14 day period.
  • Card Sleeves (protects cards against wearing, tearing and also greasy fingers - conserves the value of your game)
    • If you own all previously mentioned expansions you will need the following number and type of packs available in our store and directly here in Related menu.
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AG Avatar of author | 18/12/2023
Can you believe that you can fit 3 games into the box of one of them? I don't know if there is another company like Kalkared that makes every effort to ensure that there is no unnecessary air in the boxes. The printing technology allows you to create containers with thin walls (unlike foam inserts), which saves even more space. Great idea and great insert. I recommend it to everyone who values shelf space.
VG Avatar of author | 20/08/2023
Promyšlený insert, všechny tři díly hry vejdou do jedné krabice. Velká spokojenost.
JL Avatar of author | 22/02/2022
Great design to consolidate all three games into one box. As stated, this will not support sleeved cards (I think with a few modifications you could get all cards sleeved). Also, not stated is that you will need to get rid of 1-1.5 games worth of spice cubes from each of the 4 colors. So, the base game for me was slightly off colored cubes…removed those and used as many of the cubes from Eastern and New World (since they matched colors). Since you only need one games worth of cubes anyway it is not a huge ordeal. You also don’t have space for the tiny bowls which is not needed, but getting cubes is a little more inconvenient with the tray design. Wish the cube trays were able to be separated similar to the top trays.
JJ Avatar of author | 20/11/2021
Skvěle navržený a kvalitně vyrobený insert. Třetinu žlutých a červených kostičkek surovin do insertu již nenacpete, ale pro hru jako takovou stačí bohatě ty, které se vejdou. Původní kalíšky rádi nahradíte zásobníkem z insertu, který je stabilní. Vše přehledně uskladněno a ihned připraveno ke hře. Děkuji a doporučuji :-)
Avatar of author | 15/11/2021
Perfect insert, finally we don't have to carry all three boxes with us and feel like the guy from Death Stranding :D Everything fits perfectly with super fast preparation and clean up! Easy 5 stars!
VP Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
Insert jsem pořídila jako dárek, který nejenže velmi potěšil, ale skutečně našel využití. Zbylé 2 krabice byly vyhozeny a zůstala jen jedna, kam se všechny komponenty vejdou. Rozbalování hry je podstatně rychlejší. Možnost otáčet insert vzhůru nohama, aniž by cokokoliv opustilo své místo se při převážení hry také velmi hodí, neboť hra se tak vozí i na výlety.
LD Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
Sílou tohoto insertu je, že dostane všechny tři hry do jedné krabice a zároveň jsou všechny komponenty uložené tak, že je setup hry rychlý bez ohledu na to pro kterou hru se rozhodnete. Jistě nevejdou se tam plastové kalíšky na obchodní komodity (dřevěné kostičky) a taky ne všechny kostičky ze všech tří her, ale reálně by ke hře stejně stačily z jedné hry. Pokud chcete hrát kdekoliv jinde než doma, tak za mě je tenhle insert nutné řešení.

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